Enterprise Management Program Management Office
The Enterprise Management Program Management Office (EMPMO) promotes cross-TTS operational efficiency and effectiveness, ensures adequate oversight of risks across the enterprise, and optimizes planning and performance for TTS.
The EMPMO plays a vital role in facilitating compliance-related and micro-purchase activities for TTS. We do this by partnering with each TTS program office on the matters below to ensure timely, accurate, and complete responses:
- Controlled correspondence
- Events and training
- FOIA requests
- GAO and OIG audits
- Micropurchases
- OCFO and GSA-related data calls
- Records management
- Risk assessments and management
- Travel
You can review our current , external,TTS-only, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Audits, FOIAs, Controlled Correspondence
Events & Training
- Email: , external,tts-travel@gsa.gov
- Slack: , external,TTS-only, #travel
Other questions?
- Email , external,ttsinternalcontrols@gsa.gov with any questions that are not covered above.