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TTS onboarding classes

Our onboarding program helps you transition into TTS and adapt to our TTS culture. To assist with this transition, we’ve put together a curriculum of classes to help you navigate your first two weeks at TTS.

These classes will expose you to a variety of aspects of our organization, introduce you to the people involved, and create opportunities for you to ask questions.

Most of these classes are required, some are recommended, and others are optional. If you have a conflicting team meeting or another commitment scheduled at the same time as a class, prioritize your project work first! Most classes recur on a two-week cycle so you can always join the class two weeks later or read the course materials at your convenience.

It may seem like A LOT to take in at first, but go at your own pace, ask questions, and feel free to follow up with the onboarding leads, your assigned onboarding buddy, or your supervisor at any point — we’re all happy to help.

Class formats

We have varied the class format in order to best suit the content and your schedule. The formats include:

  • Video Conference – TTS leads will talk you through the content (sometimes with a presentation) and provide time for questions. Although not required, turning on your camera is strongly advised.
  • Self-Guided Documentation / Video – You will be directed to a handbook page, which typically includes a transcript page, a document, deck, and/or video to review on your own. We set up calendar invites for these classes only as a reminder for you to take them — nothing more. You do not need to take the self-guided classes at the specific time they show up on your calendar.

Guidance to help you prioritize

  • Required - Core classes that are critical to your onboarding and employment at TTS
  • Recommended - Classes suggested for a better understanding of TTS
  • Optional - Elective classes that are taken based on business need


This section provides an overview of each of the classes, broken out into topics.


Our values and principles at TTS

These courses introduce you to the values and principles that guide our decisions in TTS.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s)
Working Groups and Guilds An introduction to TTS’ Working Groups and Guilds, how to join, and ways to get involved. Self-guided Required Working Groups and Guilds Handbook page
Accessibility 101 An introduction to the Accessibility Guild and accessibility as it relates to our work at TTS. Video Conference Required , external,TTS-only, Accessibility 101 slidedeck

, external,TTS-only, Accessibility Guild Slack channel
Unconscious Bias An overview of how to recognize bias, speak out about it, and respond when we make a mistake. Video Conference Required , external,TTS-only, Unconscious Bias slidedeck

How we work

These courses introduce you to TTS, compliance aspects of the government, and our business operations.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s)
TTS 101 An overview of GSA, FAS, and TTS, as well as some additional resources and logistical info that will be helpful during your first few days. Self-guided Required , external,TTS-only, TTS 101 slidedeck

, external,TTS 101 OLU page

, external,TTS-only, TTS Offerings: Products, Platforms, and Services List
Tock 101 An overview of Tock and how we use it track work time. Self-guided Required for 18F, Centers of Excellence, and

Recommended for Agreements and Finance
Tock 101 Handbook page
Intro to Agreements An overview of the Agreements team and the TTS Agreements process. Self-guided Recommended , external,TTS-only, TTS Agreements Slidedeck

, external,TTS-only, TTS Agreements Recording

Agreements Handbook page
Intro to Business/Finance Operations An overview of the Finance team and the TTS Business/Finance process. Video Conference Recommended

Note: this class is offered quarterly.
Tech Operations An introduction to the Tech Operations team, important compliance topics, and technology best practices at TTS. Self-guided Recommended Tech Operations @ TTS Handbook page
Intro to Human-Centered Design (HCD) & Agile A discussion of Human-Centered Design (HCD) and Agile, and how they impact our day-to-day work. Video Conference Recommended , external,TTS-only, HCD & Agile slidedeck
Slack 101 An overview of Slack and how we use it to communicate. Self-guided Recommended Slack Handbook pages

, external,TTS-only, TTS Slack Channels list

, external,Slack Tutorials

TTS products

This course introduces you to a TTS product.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s) and Pages 101 An introduction to - a secure and compliant way to access cloud services - and Pages, a service that makes it easy to launch websites. Video Conference Recommended , external,TTS-only, Pages 101 slidedeck

, external, website

TTS resources and operations

These courses are designed to provide information about employee support resources, compliance obligations, and our internal operations.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s)
Intro to PeopleOps Overview of the PeopleOps team and how they support TTS Video Conference Required , external,TTS-only, What is PeopleOps? slidedeck
HR Links Training: Setting Up Your Base Schedule An overview of how to set up a base schedule in HR Links to ensure proper payment of wages. Video Conference Required , external,TTS-only, How to Manage Your Timesheet in HR Links slidedeck

TTS-only, Time & Leave Help Guides
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Emergency Management Responsibilities A discussion on how to plan for and respond to emergency notifications from GSA/TTS. Video Conference Required N/A
Travel 101 An overview of how to set up a travel account, how to book travel and get reimbursed. Self-guided Recommended Travel 101 page
GSA/TTS Tools and Equipment An overview on how to work with GSA’s tools and your GSA-issued equipment. Self-guided Recommended GSA Operational Tools page

Equipment page

TTS-only, GSA IT Training
Handbook 101 An overview of how to navigate the TTS Handbook. Video Conference Recommended TTS Handbook
Compliance An overview of important compliance topics including The Hatch Act, FOIA, Ethics, and the OGE 450 form. Self-guided Recommended , external,Hatch Act Overview doc

TTS leadership

An introduction to the TTS leadership team.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s)
TTS New Hire Leadership Meet & Greet/Q&A A meet and greet with the TTS Executive Director and other leaders. Video Conference Required N/A

18F courses

These courses are designed for 18F staff, though the materials are open to all. Please note, these classes are not listed on the main TTS Classes calendar.

Name Description Format Guidance Resource(s)
Acquisition 101 An overview of acquisition, including a historical context, a crash course, and why it matters to you. Self-guided Optional , external,TTS-only, Acquisition 101 video
Staffing An introduction to how 18F team members get staffed to projects. Self-guided Optional , external,TTS-only, How Staffing Works Now video
Vendor transitions and sustainability A sharing of lessons learned from vendor transitions and how to plan for sustainability throughout a project. Self-guided Optional , external,TTS-only, Vendor Transition and Sustainability Planning video

Online Learning University (OLU) mandatory training

See our Online Learning University handbook page for a list of mandatory annual training certifications.

We suggest logging in to OLU monthly to check whether you have any mandatory or suggested classes assigned to you. Please be aware that mandatory classes will have ‘due dates’ and must be completed on time.

Additional resources

If you have questions about the onboarding classes and/or training schedule, please reach out in your new hire cohort channel (which you will be added to on your first day) and/or you can reach out to the onboarding team via the , external,TTS-only, #onboarding Slack channel.


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