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Innovation Portfolio

The Innovation Portfolio (IP) operates within GSA as part of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) in the Office of Solutions (TTS Solutions). As a portfolio nested within an office, IP builds from the base missions of TTS and Solutions, as well as GSA overall.

Our Mission

IP’s mission is to help agencies better understand the public and their interactions with government. We provide centralized resources, communities, and training that make the government more innovative, efficient, and digitally-focused.

Specifically, we:

  • Help agencies implement digital and innovation policies and initiatives, many of which are executive- and congressionally-mandated;
  • Serve as a connection point between digital practitioners, change agents, innovation hubs, and idea labs across government to collaborate, prototype, share, and learn.

Our Channels

Each IP program advances our mission of supporting technology innovation opportunities, as well as fostering communities of contributors that support agency missions.

We have two main focus areas: digital innovation, and open innovation.

Digital Innovation

Open Innovation

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An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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