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Performance Management Mid Year Review

This page contains important dates, links, and information for the mid year performance review cycle. Please see the Mid Year Performance Management HRLinks Steps page for guided instructions.

Mid year performance review important dates

See dates.

Resource Use
, external,TTS-only, Employee checklist Employee mid year performance management steps
, external,TTS-only, Supervisor checklist Supervisor mid year performance management steps. The "Direct Report Name" tab can be duplicated for each of your employees to help track review progress
TTS-only, HR Links Website for submitting performance reviews. Go to TTS-only, and click "GSA Login"
, external,TTS-only, Fix HR Links Google Chrome Login Issue Instructions for clearing HR Links site cache
, external,TTS-only, Reopening an existing performance plan Instructions for reopening an existing plan if edits are needed
, external,TTS-only, Acquisition Critical Element Guide Instructions for adding the Acquisition Critical Element (required for all CORs on active delegation)

Union requirements for mid year performance reviews

  • AFGE Union members: a rating is required for each critical element of the performance plan and you must also inform the employee whether their overall performance to date remains consistent with the summary rating received on the last annual rating of record. Also, employees must be given the opportunity to provide feedback on proposed changes to their performance plans.
  • NFFE Union members: a rating is NOT required for each critical element but you must inform the employee whether their overall performance to date remains consistent with the summary rating received on the last annual rating of record. It is recommended that manager comments are documented in the GSA Elements Summary section in HR Links.
  • Non-union employees: a rating and/or comments is not required.
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