18F Design uses , external,InVision for prototyping and group online critique. Using InVision at GSA comes with one specific rule: we cannot use any cloud-syncing features. Please don't use InVision Cloud or InVision Sync.
This is a , external,Low system
- You cannot use it to store any sensitive information
- It generally can't have write access to any , external,Moderate systems
Reach out in , external,TTS-only, #infrastructure if you have questions.
If you are a member of the 18F Design team, once you have requested and received an InVision license, tell your supervisor that you have an account and are ready to be added to the "18F Design Team" , external,group in InVision. This will enable you to see prototypes from all of our projects. When making your own prototypes in the future, always add this team as a collaborator.
, external,Transfer ownership of your prototypes to your supervisor or to another project team member so that they won't be lost once your account is deactivated.
For admins
Search for the email address of the user in the , external,InVision People settings. Make sure the user has been removed.