, external,Mural is a collaborative whiteboard and sticky note tool. Formerly known as
This is a , external,Low system
- You cannot use it to store any sensitive information
- It generally can't have write access to any , external,Moderate systems
Reach out in , external,TTS-only, #infrastructure if you have questions.
Setup and Licensing
You can request either a Guest or Member account by posting in , external,TTS-only, #admins-mural. We encourage you to request only , external,Guest access if you will be using Mural irregularly.

- Mural consists of , external,“rooms” (for example, FEC) and “murals” (for example, User Research). There’s only one "workspace”: , external,TTS.
- Rooms can be public or private to the rest of the team. If rooms within the TTS group are set to public, anyone at TTS can view them. If they’re private, only people specifically invited to them can see them.
- People outside of TTS or GSA can be added as guests to the TTS workspace. Guests have fewer permissions than members. They cannot create rooms, publish templates, or see open rooms. The easiest way to add a guest to all of your project-related work is to create a room for the project, and then create all murals related to the project in that room. If you invite them as guests to the room, they will automatically have access to all murals in that room. Guests do not cost any money to add, so add your partners!
- If you add or offboard guests, please let the Mural administrator know in the , external,TTS-only, #admins-mural Slack channel, so they can track who is a part of the TTS Mural organization. If you do not want to add or offboard guests yourself, you can ask for them to be added in , external,TTS-only, #admins-mural.
- You can also share a Mural link with your partners and they can join as an anonymous user without having a Mural account of their own. They cannot access the rest of the TTS workspace, but you can invite them to view and edit your Mural.
- The benefit of adding your partner as a guest and not an anonymous user is that you will be able to see what contributions they are making to a Mural. They will be called by name in the Mural, whereas anonymous users will be shown as an animal, not their name.
- If you have any questions, please ask in , external,TTS-only, #admins-mural.
For admins
When someone leaves TTS, an admin will , external,deactivate them from the , external,Members page.
Reclaim member seats
We have limited member seats available. Members who have been inactive for more than 90 days should be converted to guests. From the , external,Members page, select the Members tab and sort by Last Access Date. For any active members that are past the inactive threshold, click the gear icon (hover over their row), and select "Convert to guest". Select "Become owner of their murals and rooms".
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