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Updated Travel Guidance for GSA Employees (07/13/2021)

GSA continues to adjust to the changing COVID-19 pandemic status. Effective immediately as of July 13, any requests for travel must be mission critical, time sensitive and required to perform essential duties. The employee’s authorizing official (AO) is responsible for making the determination if travel requests meet that threshold. Of note:

  • Travel should not occur if the requirement can be met using virtual technology.
  • Only the minimum number of employees required to meet the urgent need should travel.
  • Travelers should work with administrative and budget staff in their organization to ensure any personal protective equipment (PPE) needed for travel is available before travel occurs.

All travel for conferences, related events and training do not meet this requirement and are not authorized. Additional details regarding the new travel threshold are included in TTS-only, this guidance.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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