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Additional feedback frameworks

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  4. Additional feedback frameworks current

  5. Receiving feedback not completed

Step 4 Additional feedback frameworks

ACE: appreciation, coaching, evaluation

Everyone needs appreciation, coaching, and evaluative feedback to learn and improve.

The ACE framework is from , external,Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well.


Appreciation is specific, positive information about what behavior or action to do more of.

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“Great job on that presentation today!” “I was watching our client/partner during your presentation today, and she really sat up when you showed the slide about the solution impact. You really connected with her and nailed the messaging in that section!”


Coaching communicates what “good” looks like, to help the recipient learn and improve.

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Saying nothing, assuming people will pick up communication norms without explicit discussion. “Hey, I know you’re new to the project and you wouldn’t know that we have some team conventions around how we communicate. Let’s get a virtual coffee set up and we can chat about what those look like for this team.”
Saying nothing and quietly fuming when feeling surprised by new tasks. “Hey, I work best when I have as much project context as possible. When we are working together and project change requests come in, can you please loop me in, even if they don’t impact my work? I’d really appreciate it.”


Evaluation helps someone change specific actions or behaviors, and understand the impact of their actions. Sometimes, we don’t see all of the impacts of our actions, and we need others to gently point out when we (usually unintentionally) misstep.

Susan Scott calls this “, external,taking responsibility for our emotional wake” when we mess up. The key to giving good evaluative feedback is to focus on the actions, not the person, and to assume good intent.

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“You took credit for the team’s work during the demo.” “When you gave the demo at the final presentation, you didn’t mention the specific contributions of others on the team and it felt like you were taking credit for others’ work. I know you probably just overlooked it, but it hurt feelings and damaged trust on our team.”
“I can’t believe you called me out during the partner meeting!” “When you asked for my take in that partner meeting, I felt caught off guard. Next time, could you give me a heads’ up that you’ll be asking for my opinion so I know it’s coming?”
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