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First-time travel guide: Step 1a

Get access to Concur

Next to Get a travel card >

There are four required steps to gain access to Concur. Please be aware, you cannot access the Cybersecurity & Privacy Training in OLU until after you are set up in HRLinks, which can take up to a week. If immediate travel is required, , external, can assist until your account is active.

1. Get a travel vendor ID

To access Concur, you will need a “travel vendor ID”. Use the Vendor Request Management site to request a new vendor ID. (Note: The "travel vendor ID" will show up as "Employee ID" in your Concur profile once it's been issued.)

Vendor Request Instructions

You may experience slow page loads of about 30–60 seconds. This is not likely an issue with your internet.

  • To get started, in the radio buttons under "Service Office", select "Traveler". Then, under "ADD VENDOR/ADDR CODE", click the "CLICK HERE" button.
  • For Point of Contact / POC fields, enter the contact information for your supervisor.
  • For "Service Division", select "FAS" since TTS is under FAS.
  • For banking details, add your personal banking information. This is how you will be reimbursed for travel. Some folks have been able to go the next page by entering just their bank name, routing number, and account number.
  • Once you complete the form and submit, you might see an error like Application error occurred while saving the information to the database: Error getting next Request ID from database - Connect Timeout expired. If this occurs, continue submitting until you receive a successful confirmation message.

If the travel finance team is unable to locate your payroll banking information, they may request that you complete the EFT form and will provide instructions on how you can send this information to them securely.

While you wait for the ID number to be generated and sent to you via email (which can take up to 1 business day), you can get started on applying for the GSA travel card.

2. Check that you have completed required training

Ensure you have completed the mandatory security and privacy training required of all GSA staff, assigned to you in TTS-only, OLU. Follow the instructions if you need help.

3. Complete the CGE Access Request Form

Complete the CGE Access Request Form, minus the EFT enrollment form. Either an electronic or ink signature is fine. Don't forget to get your supervisor's signature as well! *Not sure about a particular field? Get help by reading the FAQ below

4. Email the form to TTS Travel

Email completed CGE form to , external, Do not email it to, as the form specifies. Only email it to Your account will be set up before , external,the next travel office hours, which you can also book any time if you have questions.

Next Step: First-Time Travel - Get a Travel Card

Frequently Asked questions

What is my Correspondence/Office symbol?

For the purposes of Concur, use "TTS".

What are my user roles?

Only traveler, unless you have already been instructed otherwise by the travel team.

What is my user type?

GSA employee (Regular) if based in a city which has a TTS office which you report to.

GSA employee (Virtual) if based anywhere else.

Whose signature should I get for the supervisor field?

That of your functional supervisor.

Where can I find my Travel Vendor ID once it's been assigned?

Your Travel Vendor ID is a number in the format "E000XXXXX" that is called "Employee ID" in your Concur profile. It is also called "Traveler ID" on Concur authorizations.

How can I get Travel Approver access?

To be able to approve in Concur, fill out the CGE Access Request Form:

  1. For "Type of Access Request", select "Revise Current User"
  2. For User Roles, select both "Traveler" and "Travel Approver".
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